Thursday, 14 June 2012


As the light fades I can see where the line I crossed began.
If I follow it, will it take me further into darkness?
Or will it lead me from my mind into deeper waters?
It’s a wonder that I haven’t found it all by now.
Can’t seem to understand it all, but in time it will make sense.

It can’t be a dream, but when I wake nothing is right.
You take me to a high sliver lined cloud and then let me fall.
You are not there to catch me and I lie bruised and battered, lost and forgotten.
Is this your idea of fun? This game you play so well.
With little feeling and words of kindness you twist the wound.

I wish you would just set me straight,
Tell me you don’t want me, let me go!

I fade with the night and the shadows swallow my breath.
I vanish from the horizon to be concealed by the day.
On this world I wonder torn and lost.

I waken now to the world that you have shown me.
And the first words I hear are silence.
Consolation leads to realisation.
I know what it is you want,
And with every breath I will take you down to my shadowy world;
Where my demons rule, and my flesh is weak.

I will revel in the lust you bring content to give into my desires.
It was never meant to be more than desire.
Chemistry confused for a connection, friendship confused as love.
Today I rise from the ashes new, stronger and more at peace.
My other side smiles, it has been hidden too long.

Night Star

With every breath I remember,
With every word I recall, and with every step I wonder.
As the wind calls my name I listen for its whisper
And watch the breeze flash across my skin.
Each moment is a step in a new world and every utter takes me to new places.
I have seen things that I can never forget,
But each memory brings me to a new place,
And no matter how hard things get I have the strength to cope.

I share my thoughts with the moonlight as the stars give light to my ideas.
As night turns into daytime I cross from light to darkness.
But as my eyes close I see things for what they are.

Whispering trees catch the thoughts from my mind,
Bringing peace to my ever wondering thoughts;
With each step I get closer to peace and with each breath I get closer to the one.
If only I had the words to describe what wonders I have to share.
For now I’ll just be content with the moments that I have.

Now the daylight steals my tears and the dreams they begin to fade,
And today I will awaken anew, with a promise on my lips.
I will wonder this cloud forever watching out for those I love,
But for now I have my own temptations to banish,
And my own diamond star to conquer.

Welcome to my worlds

Creating something from your imagination has always been a wondrous thing to me. I have always loved to make up stories and as a child I would create worlds to play in that I often shared with my friends. What fun we would have, and with a child's fertile imagination we could go anywhere and be almost anything, from fairies to witches and battling foes through tall dark forests to safe our lost friend. Of course we were mostly always in our garden, but paths became streams or deadly lava, and bushes became goblins or a fairies house, which ever suited our game at the time. Even today I can recall those marvellous places, kingdoms of gold and ice, palaces to house princesses.

As an adult my imagination still conjures new worlds, but unfortunately I don't get to play in them anymore; rather I just put pen to paper, or of more recent, fingers to keyboard and write. For me writing is one of the best things to do, it helps me clear my head and I sincerely believe it's good for my soul as well as my spirits. All these lands that my imagination creates I can immortalise and revisit, and the best thing is that others do it too; I love nothing more than losing myself in a good book! I can happily read for hours and think nothing of it. So when I started to write myself I found I was shocked to discover all these characters coming to life on the pages in front of me. My worlds of my childhood may be gone, but I happily create new ones everyday and if you'd like I can share some of them with you.