Thursday, 5 June 2014


The rain chases away my thoughts.
As I watch the world close its eyes,
Deep in sleep they dream,
But sweet slumber avoids me tonight.

These streets hold many memories,
Their lasting legacy of sadness, happiness and youth filled dreams,
Crash around my head.
They lose their radiance a little, the more I walk them,
But brilliant vivid the memories remain.
Amiable rain, teach me how to walk amongst these dreams again.
Show me where the shadows lie so I can avoid the folly.
Let me reach the road that leads home.
So that I can see the warm glow of family from the window,
It’s warm orange light behind the closed curtains, deep beyond the nights reach.

With the rain falling on my pretty dress,
I stand outside, a silhouette in moonlight watching my mother’s shadow.
The path with its pink bright flowers leading the way to the door.
That world I know no more.

Let me be her again,
That little girl who knew so little,
Yet understood so much.
Let her teach me the things I forgot.

Sweet fragrance of the night time world.
Its secrets hold so many wonders.
Deep in sleep they weave their dreams.
And in slumber deep I see the world within.